Dr. Reinhard Seiß is a city planner and professional journalist in Vienna. In his recommended book "Who builds Vienna?"
now appeared in the press on 05.02.2011 again an article on Monte Laa. With the title "Porr Porr, and you alone" describes Seiß, always thinking of proper background information, with critical words, the development of this former "wasteland". He begins his Article this:...
"No U-Bahn No Fast Car No tram But roaring up to 200,000 cars every day through the basement 'Monte Laa'. Why habit is to dwell where no one should be a Viennese genre picture. .
Speculative Urbanism
That the third-largest construction group in Austria that Porr , stands with his numerous political ties in the "red half of the empire, along the way in " bribery suspicion ", is a closer look not so random. A plot of land by the road most traveled Austria is disconnected, it can not recover so easily. So it needs an ally. And the city of Vienna has approved the project from the beginning and financial support. Seiß calls the "speculative urban development".
No transport links
argument against urban development not matter, but not against high-level transport links already. Up to present day goes by only the 68A bus route that is overloaded in peak hours regularly complete. The promised "walking distance to the subway station Reumannplatz" is in fact a distance of 1.2 km.
And then there was the dark
What the whole, however, has placed the crown is the Unverfrohrenheit here in addition a 110 meter high tower as the center of Monte Laa put added. Real estate experts confirmed years ago that there will not be able to develop this site. But the zoning for the high-rise was limited to 2009. Therefore, a new project had to be submitted.
visualization © montelaa.net
The result are 3 towers, the benefits for the existing resident population of massive deterioration. In several discussion platforms ( information platform Monte Laa, Laa Monte Community ) was discussing the situation and a lively citizen initiative expressed their displeasure. A visualization shows the profile of the resulting shadow and the resulting problems.
citizenship ade
In a town meeting from 07.06.2010, the citizens pacified. Only the District Chairwoman Hermione Mospointner by the SPÖ spoke of "a reduction of the southernmost tower at a height of 40m" . The fact that this was a reduction of the proposed towers from 110m to about 65m, the other two towers 110m and remained almost 100m but received the same planning was not mentioned. Just as the fact that two days later has been the decisive meeting in the planning committee anyway ...
A rogue who does not believe in public participation here!
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