Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dunkin' Donuts Swot Analysis

uphill and downhill

Slowly but yet I try to return to a certain rhythm and run regularly.
And so today I finished my third round of this week, and rumors that it should not have been the last;)
Of course, the distances are relatively short, the tempo is low, and I feel pain continues. But do
with little baby steps, I review progress, and that's what matters!
On the first day with my new deposits, I was about 30 minutes on the road and I had to suffer.
I guess I was never so discouraged when I'm back from my run.
It hurt, and exactly where it is not really was hurt and I had secretly hoped that the Proleme would do with a jerk from the dust.
But one thing sets us apart from most runners, and that is CONSISTENCY!
We will not discourage us from a setback and set us on after each failure of new things, to the obstacles of the Altag to the teeth.
And so it happened today that I tried it again.
braving the elements, fighting against a snow storm I turned my round.
And it felt good!
After practice, I then compared my pulse values of the previous training sessions, all of which were classified in the category "short and loose" - and to my surprise I was able to make great progress.
In the velocity range in which I was on the way (6:30 to 7:00 min / km) of the pulse is now back in reasonable areas and I've even included a few small improvements.
Beautiful mitanzusehen how fast it can go uphill again, I hope it goes on!


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