Monday, January 31, 2011

What's The Difference In Yellow And Green Xanax

Mission linearization or the difficulty itself to administer ear drops

Since I am a blogger now, I have to look so virtually, my readership up to date to . keep And as I
today while working once again Phedippidations hear (episode I do not remember, was some of the December of the previous year) and Steve Runner once again speaks of how much he would share the benefits of running but with all, and how he would like to help other people to live a better life to give me a comparison that comes to mind, who could not be more.
And although I put on the claim that runners missionary are taxed!
In the style of religious machinations (which is regarded value-free please!) Tried a variety of runners, whether other people to convince, but to even try it once!
Quite clearly, this is good in human nature to want to share positive experiences. After all, it was probably to Christianity so that missionary was to preserve the nations about to go to hell (freely interpreted). They wanted to spread the universal truth.
And due to this paradigm will also runners.
If you asked me I would probably say again triathletes are a step worse!
We (I) believe to have found the key to happiness and now need the rest of humanity from a terrible existence to the "LOW OF DOOM" (loosely translated from Steve Runner's "LOW OF DOOM") preserve.
no question that the benefits of physical activity are clear, probably it's even really true that ALL people would tuen well now and then go out and move forward - I belächle only the way in which we (I) try to force others to their happiness!

Fabian Bromley

nunmal And as is, as a runner, or active person in general I am supposedly much healthier than all my fellow human beings - and I suffer yet again this season with a cold ...
Well, in the course I realize now that it is incredibly difficult to get even 3 drops to drip from a bottle into the ear!
But never mind - that will again! Swim Only today I was not.
proselytized more honest - for every soul won, we must skip a workout, or take a training course in addition - as desired, depending on!

Thanks to Fabian Bromley for this picture, which is under a CC license.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bible Verse Church Moving Forward

U.S. neocons and Israel lobby do Omar Suleiman

leading U.S. neo-cons and representatives of the Israel lobby in the U.S. ask Barack Obama to be related to to delete the Millitärhilfe Egypt in order to ensure that Mubarak and assigns for the Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman, President of Egypt is.

So it makes sense to have that prepared orgnisation such as Freedom House the revolt in Egypt . The Zionist lobby wants to share their puppet dictator in Egypt since Mubarak has become weak and vulnerable. What is quite clear that: the for torture and extrajudicial arrests notorious intelligence chief Omar Suleiman, the straight was named vice president , is Israel's man in Egypt.

(This article first appeared in blog My party book and has been mirrored here, since my party membership because of continuing DDoS attacks still is in parts difficult to reach.)

Source: My party book a second blog

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ideas Language Stroke Patients

Egyptian dictator Mubarak says protesters fight on

On Friday evening

is the Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak on the occasion of the revolt in Egypt the first time in weeks, appeared before the television cameras and made the demonstrators there a declaration of war.

He had a duty to ensure the safety and order and that he would do that. He would not think to withdraw, but has announced that tomorrow appoint a new government that will implement this task consistently. At the same time Hosni Mubarak tanks in the center of the capital Cairo beordet who have turned their guns on the protesters. The opposition has not published any response to the challenge of Mubarak.

On the border with Gaza, the Egyptian army has eröffenet fire on a crowd that tried to break the blockade of Gaza. Over large parts of Egypt, Mubarak has imposed a nightly curfew. Since the closure, the Poizei shoot with live ammunition on protesters. There have been zahllreiche dead. Alone in the city Suez to 13 people have been shot.

order the protesters to take communication, Mubarak has made Egypt the most part off the Internet and mobile communications.

Postscript: Immediately after the speech of Husni Mubarak Barack Obama is a statement about Egypt went live to the public. He referred it to the address and a telephone call from Mubarak, which he then fed to him. It appears Barack Obama on the brakes, makes no specific claims on Egypt and being accepted that Husni Mubarak remains in power - despite the fact the U.S. in the days and years before, fueled by GONGOs, the U.S. media machine, and government statements, the protests for regime change had . As it stands, the U.S. is its attempt to renew Egypt by stirring up some protests a little, and then introduce a nice-looking pro-American pseudo-democracy on the German model, out of control. The nervousness of the U.S. administration is clearly felt. Richard Nathan Haass, chairman of the powerful CFR said something at the same time on CBS that the United States have not in hand, whether there will be a regime change in Egypt. The Egyptian military will have soon, probably tomorrow, announce whether the regime will survive, and then the U.S. will come to terms with the decision of the military. At least parts of the army so far seem willing to be , Mubarak to base. The Muslim Brotherhood, meanwhile, has announced to continue the uprising against the dictator.

(This article first appeared in blog My party book and has been mirrored here, since my party membership because of continuing DDoS attacks still is in parts difficult to reach.)

Source: My party book a second blog

Friday, January 28, 2011

What Does The Rubber Bracelets Mean

getting started

getting started ....

A blog is born - with no problems and complications, without pain and without tools - just like that, quietly and secretly!
My Blog - Tadaaa
In the photo I am constantly taken about 2 weeks ago on one of my default rounding -
much is now known schonmal about me: I run! (Sometimes in red jackets and black trousers)
Oh, and I take pictures, at least I would like to!
knipse Actually, I rather around in the area, but here and there is also a nice Photon his way on my image sensor!
and now I blog too!
I know some running blogs and listen to some podcasts, but mainly in English. may start to wonder -

Why do I now my blog:
It's simple - I take my time now!
I'll just forced a break in my otherwise very packed insert training plan - and that makes me the first time recognize how valuable my regular trips to the wilderness really is.

I thought so far I could suppress my orthopedic malformation compensate with specific training exercises and the right respectively, but as it turns out it's not quite that simple ...

But what the hell, I do not know yet accurate, and right now I hope for a speedy recovery and look wildly out soon again trotting through the fog can. Run
me beautiful!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Can You Give Dogs Kolonipin?

For a manager with support coming as soon several hundred thousand €
together. The price chart looks like at the hairdresser - depending on what is
desired. The unique selling point is networking. Why pay
Strategic Partner huge sums in annual fees. "Consider
times what it costs to my customers in Shanghai, Dubai and Sydney
visit and how many days go on it there. In contrast, Davos is really cheap, "says the
Management consultant.
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Is Mr Bean A British Man?

About 2,500 high-level participants from government, industry, science,
media and activists of NGOs have come together for traditional
World Economic Forum Davos in the Swiss ski resort
. There, they are discussed in the next few days about some of the most pressing issues
the world economy, such as the Euro crisis
role of China and the lessons from the financial crisis.
? Http://, 83389_cid_14798738, 00.html maca = en-rss-en-news-1089-rdf
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ewcm-what Does This Mean

From Workaholic to dream dancer

As I have said before I hung my 70-hour week, the young university graduate and world-ruler-to-be job on the nail! Apart from the massive weight loss my new job is great! Relatively free time, nice colleagues, time to do research for my dissertation and in the whole little time pressure. The only hacking at the thing is that my old job was a part of me (or even my life). I have lived almost at my old job. I've taken up to 3 meals there, my colleagues knew phases more of me than my friends and it would have been possible, I would have slept there ... looking forward to

me instead of my new job and start full of energy in, I'm paralyzed somehow honest. I am physically present but mentally somehow not yet arrived. The idea is not to deliver economically viable product to have, but to do research before me, has meant that I especially 1000 and explore a blog, 100 new recipes have read several online newspapers every day read and do everything except actually work ... (Of course I am sitting writing this post in the work * g *)

conclusion. In the new year, you can not make me right, only it was way too much stress and too little now ...

Withdrawals Aspartame

For Germany, the monetary policy of the European Central Bank
now appears too loose, but the debt states are more dependent on low interest
. A coordinated withdrawal of monetary and fiscal policy
from crisis measures will hardly be possible. This increases the risk
a new macroeconomic crisis. As a last resort will be higher
inflation likely forever. The story appears in two respects
repeated. ~ ~ E6C7C9D0F7305464A90263FC69DDF9710 ATpl ~ ~ Ecommon Scontent.html
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Nortel T7316e Voicemail

What many do not know is that students, trainees and students
under certain circumstances, claims to have SGB II benefits. Also
here defends the Authority shall be dealt from a regular basis, so that many
apprentices and students give up their legal services to
without knowing it.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Samsung Lcd Keeps Turning On And Off

Valley of the Wolves - Palestine (Update)

A few days ago the Israeli government in response to a UN report significant an Israeli report on the Israeli massacre Mavi Marmara presented that explains with flowery words, was that robbery and murder on the high seas is quite legal - as long as the perpetrators are acting on behalf of the State of Israel and Israel is the magic word "security concerns" expressed. This report was nothing but an insult and mockery of the victims, as Israel routinely for decades with all those makes that Israel has systematically expelled and murdered.

The Turkish government has responded cautiously to the insult , the report of the Israeli Commission has no credibility and value. A clearer answer to the ongoing Turkish crimes of Israel is now by the Turkish company Pana Film, which has created based on the Israeli massacre at the Mavi Marmara an action movie. Pana film has become known in Germany with the action film "Valley of the Wolves - Iraq" in which she about a dozen real American has war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan staged around the brutality shown . For this was the film of the war lobby, especially the opposition parties, strongly criticized.

Pana Film explains to her new movie "Valley of the Wolves - Palestine." Since then nothing has changed about the situation in Palestine "," the film will show what denouncing the UN since 1948 "and where the lobby the Zionist state Israel criminals and their lackeys are outraged. The scenic view of the crimes of Israel in an action film stirring up anti-Israelism, they claim and clamor for a ban of the film.

all as far as the censorship in Germany or not. On Thursday, 27 January 2011, theatrical release - even in Germany. shows in which German film "Valley of the Wolves - Palestine" is . Should the film be made as good as the "Valley of the Wolves - Iraq", he has what it takes to many otherwise apolitical people tend to open their eyes to what Israel is doing in Palestine, thus decisively contribute to the necessary political build up pressure to Israel to get them to respect human rights and international law in the future.

Update: It is in Germany but quite as far with censorship. During the "Valley of the Wolves - Palestine" in the world on 27 January, Premiere, the German film from cinemas was apparently wegzensiert provisionally . Thanks for the note - Fennek .

(This article first appeared in blog My party book and has been mirrored here, since my party membership because of continuing DDoS attacks is still difficult to reach.)

Source: My party book a second blog

Had Chlamydia For 5 Months

The 61-year-old Melissa B. had been found dead in her apartment building in Bad Salzdetfurth
, police said in Hildesheim. According to initial investigations
evidence showed that the woman had committed suicide
, it was said. The President of the Landgericht Hannover, Dieter
Schneidewind ruled upset at the death of the physician. "It is
tragic that Mrs. B. has seen in such a hopeless situation," he told the
"Hannover Allgemeine Zeitung. Melissa B. had
from 1987 to 2003 practiced in a hospital in Langenhagen near Hanover as evidence
doctor and was in some of the members of their most critically ill patients
very popular.
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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lower Back Pain When Leaning Back

The people in the same fight against the floods. The extent of the tidal wave
is roughly comparable to the record floods of 2006. On
measuring point in the Lower Saxony Hitzacker the water level was at that time on Saturday morning
already exceeded. Also in
Lauenburg (Schleswig-Holstein) and Dömitz (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), there is a new
high. The leaders in the communities along the Elbe
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Friday, January 21, 2011

Genıtal Tattoo Vıdeo

age moths?

Maybe I should blog this "Old Butterfly" will be called? Because I just come to me, plain and simple old (and with just 24 years and 3 months) ...

It starts well, unfortunately, the fact that I look like 26-27. First light wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, the Naturknackigkeit my body is also a descending branch, and I sincerely hope that this little green-blue line on my left leg is a strange bruise and not the first of many spider veins is (which decorate my mother) .

My New Year's resolution is: disciple. Hm, since realistically not possible, I've at least made to look younger. But since I want to do without for now on Botox and facelifts, I should probably first start with my clothes.

Since I have the serious 70-hour-the-week-young-university graduate and world ruler-to-be job for the time being hung up, I was all the white blouses, black skirts, sheath dresses and black blazer and the cabinets full of black heels and (Rau) leather handle well at first banish from my life. Somehow I find that hard but ...

After each shopping Tripp I'm once again "proud" owner of a black fashion part, that apart from these super-serious-oh-so-important-with-money-umsichwerf Jobs does not need. Should I make it home without exception, but new business uniform part, has lost with 99% probability of a (wool) Knit dress to my house. Of these unspeakably practical things I have now 11 pieces, and it probably is not surprising that over 50% are black ...

boy or young looking people usually wear jeans! I own at least a chic pair of dark blue jeans and the winter of 2009 I even fit inside again;). The other two pairs are used primarily for Christmas trees take home (where I myself have done within this year in a matching color fir green knit dress). Converse, Uggs, T-shirts, etc. I have of course not ...

project "From business to trendy young bimbo girl" can go so come on!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Where To Find Herbal Cigarettes In Calgary Ab

Tunisian dictator Ben Ali

After my book party announced yesterday that the Tunisian regime of dictator Ben Ali obviously taken a severe , it smells on Today, 14 January 2011 in Tunisia for revolution. This post is now continually updated with new releases to revolt in Tunisia .

last night: dictator Ben Ali announced the evening live on television that the Poizei shoot no more keen on demonstrators may, censorship of the Internet in Tunisia is complete, imprisoned bloggers are released immediately and he will take no more 2014 presidential election . Bloggers unmittebar then that leave overseas websites hosted in Tunisia call up all at once, from Youtube on opposition Website to porn sites to. Blogger Slim tweeted that he had been released. Police shot but he continued with NATO-standard ammunition into crowds of protesters.

Today 14:20: The German daily show has given up its embarrassing support for the dictator Ben Ali at length and openly reports on the protests in Tunisia. The evening news reports that during the protests in Tunisia in the last few days at least 79 deaths - have been - only yesterday 13th The lies of the regime, there would have been 23 deaths so far is not widespread. In a background article dictator Ben Ali are the days Look at the name of the president as a "desert Ceauceascu" again and stated that Ben Ali is a trained in the United States and France, former military intelligence chief, who came in 1987 in a coup to power.


16:00 Heavy clashes in Tunis. The protesters demand the immediate resignation of Ben Ali.


16:15: revolt in the Tunisian state television . Journalists call on state television on to oust Ben Ali.

around 16:30 pm: President Ben Ali has fired the entire government and announces new elections within six months.

around 17:00 h The army joins in Tunis in the fighting between police and protesters one - and places himself on the side of the protestors!

against 17:00 h: state of emergency throughout Tunsi vehängt . In any man who does not stop to call the police, must it be fired immediately. According Tunisian state TV is so obviously any gathering of more than three persons by the police should be shot with live ammunition. The curfew is now starting at 18:00 h.


17:00: Family members of the dictator's attempt to leave the country, but the pilot of the plane refuses to lift . is the Tunisian ambassador to UNESCO, Mezri Haddad,


Against 17:00 resigned and Ben Ali has criticized the French radio Ben Ali.

17:30: Videos from today's protests in Tunis and Bizerte to see on Youtube .

17:35: The regime has censored the Internet in Tunisia appears again - unconfirmed

17:40: Video of today's protests appeared in Sousse, Mahdia , in Sfax and Monastir on Youtube

17:50: Photos emerged from today's protest outside the Ministry of Interior in Tunis attributes

17:55: Western agencies confirm that the army has taken over control of the airport and blocked the air.

18:00 Press TV uses much of its air time to meet live to tell about the protests from Tunisia. Press TV sends the Live Stream on the Internet .

18:45: was the Tunisian national broadcaster TV Tunis 7 read a statement that dictator Ben Ali has fled the country and the army had taken power. The government will temporarily stores Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi . TV 7 Tunis shows pictures of the protests.

19:45: Protests continue in Tunisia at present. The protesters are calling the resignation of Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi interim.

19:50 The chairman of the Tunisian Bar Association declared that the seizure of power by the interim prime minister is foreseen by the constitution does not comply Prozerere .

19:55: According to Western journalists in Tunis to hear gunshots.

Source: My party book a second blog

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Urban Outfitters Bedding Blog

U.S. troops deposed to in Afghanistan, a girl raped to death have

Press TV reported on Thursday citing Iran News Paper on Network that American occupation soldiers kidnapped in the western Afghan province of Farah girls and women in a U.S. base and have raped several times. One of the girls died in a medical report, to genital injuries were caused by the rape.

is not known that the U.S. Army has taken action to investigate allegations and bring perpetrators to justice.

This case would not be the first case of abuse in the U.S. occupying forces in Afghanistan children to satisfy their sexual desires. Employees of the U.S. mercenary company DyCorp in northern Afghanistan had already taken there services of a prostitution service in claim. While this was kept secret for the time of the crime successfully, but leaked by a telegram from the U.S. State Department became public late last year.

The fact that U.S. occupation troops have tortured people in the past to kill their own amusement, is now well known. In Iraq, U.S. soldiers had many prisoners in jail Abu Ghraib to obtain sexual pleasure sadistically tortured to death in Afghanistan are American soldiers in the past killed people to collect cut parts of them as trophies .

Western media about the new allegations apparently imposed a news blackout for the support of the population Western countries for the war in Afghanistan can not decline further. No Western media has reported these allegations before.

Source: My party book a second blog

Friday, January 7, 2011

Candy Poster For Prom

IDF kills terrorists in Gaza

members of the Israeli terrorist group IDF sighted yesterday Friday in Gaza, a group of militant bombers in the Gaza Strip and have it immediately hors de combat by shelling . Four of the bombers were injured, and one of the terrorists, Natav Rotenberg died there. Palestinians were fortunately not in the vicinity.

Only after the alleged bombers by shelling were hors de combat, observed the shooting, that the bombers in the Gaza Strip, just like they belonged to the terrorist group IDF and obviously in the Gaza Strip in order to lay bombs, that Palestinians should be killed. The IDF called it a mistake, after the bombers were rendered harmless.

Since the IDF shoots übicherweise first and then asks, it happens frequently that the IDF to explain death shots must be that there has been a mistake. Only on Friday morning were members of the IDF a Palestinian in Hebron in his bed with thirteen shots in the head and chest "mistakenly" shot . Last March, the trigger-happy terrorists notorious for their aggressive racism Israeli Golani Brigade had already shot their comrades Gabriel Cepic because they have mistaken him for a Palestinian immigrant workers.

(This article first appeared in blog My party book and has been mirrored here, since my party membership because of continuing DDoS attacks is still sometimes difficult to achieve.)

Source: My party book a second blog

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Where Is The Cervix Right Before Menstruation

Israel destroyed more homes in Palestinian East Jerusalem

How Gulfnews reported , Israeli occupation forces have on Tuesday two Palestinian houses and a commercial property in destroyed illegally occupied by Israel Palestinian East Jerusalem. This was in 2011 not the first house demolitions by the Israeli occupying power in Palestine. Like Press TV documented , Israeli occupation forces also had this yesterday destroyed a Palestinian house in East Jerusalem.

background of house demolitions is the concern of the apartheid state of Israel, East Jerusalem, by non-Jews and to ethnically cleanse the capital of a Greater Israel as a racially pure to . Make

German media about the Israeli house demolitions in Palestinian East Jerusalem apparently imposed a news blockade to declare before the German population does not have to why Germany the apartheid state of Israel in the implementation of international law and in the German population since the end of the Nazi regime despised by the concept Lebensraum in the East " support for a master race. Not a German media has reported on the demolitions and no member has in relation to the Middle East policy of the Israel lobby dominated the German government sentenced yesterday and today, Israel committed acts of terror network.

(This article first appeared in blog My party book and has been mirrored here, since my party membership because of continuing DDoS attacks is still sometimes difficult to achieve.)

Source: My party book a second blog