Monday, October 4, 2010

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seen from the Vienna election?

Now I'm not a soothsayer, but a fan of a market economy system. Even in politics prediction markets have been established based on a virtual trade, which is comparable to the stock exchange.

The first prediction market was carried out in 1988 in the U.S. and the electoral outcome of the presidential election, said much more precisely than any poll. In Austria, took place at every major election since 1994 a political exchanges that were sometimes of your accuracy much better than the predictions of pollsters.

Unlike traditional surveys, where an institution active in approaching selected people and asking them for their personal opinion, be affected by prediction markets prices of the parties alone on the participating individuals. Thus, the collective intelligence of the participants trusted to obtain a reliable prediction of events.

say As for the choice of the Vienna stock exchange to Ausgan choice? The two great systems e-lection the standard and the platform say the following results ahead of the Vienna election.

Stand: 04.10.2010 15:00

What predicts traditional opinion research as a result. In addition I have compiled the forecasts of recent months in a graph.

Stand: 04.10.2010

It is interesting that the SPÖ in electoral markets on average at about 43.3%, 15.9% for the ÖVP and the FPÖ are traded at 21.9% and the Greens at 12.3%. Thus, the absolute majority of the SPÖ in Vienna would be gone. And the difference of opinion research will quickly realize that this is the Social Democrats to just 48% and holds the absolute majority of mandates and the Freedom Party also has less share of the vote. The People's Party obtained easily in both forecast systems, but remains below the last election results.

Election day on 10 October will bring certainty. The voter and the voters decide!


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