takeover impossible.
And again begins the All
Rüdiger Steinbeck Otto Haber Landstr. 27 37 447
Wieda, the Aug 27. 2007
County Job Center
plaster Mühlenweg 2-4
37520 Osterode
Re:. My request to the continued payment of May 24, 2007 - ALG II
number of the household 22704BG0000302
Experiment No. 11231253S030 - Ku. No. 227A157330
(Fort payment request issued at 05.24. 15.00 clock in the municipality Walkenried, and signed on May 29 and sent by registered mail to the Job Center Osterode, as the official in charge Mrs. Decker on a course was before). Einschreibebeleg and a copy of the submitted progress payment request from 24.05. Where there is evidence.
Dear Mrs. Fleischmann.
Today we write the 27th of August 2007!
So there are now more than three months gone are supposed to be sufficient, a further request for payment without giving any changes until the 16.08.2007 - 17:16:29 edit according to you "as well as by mail" sent change notifications.
After location of this matter and because of my experience in this context, it can be assumed that my basic insurance covers
be significantly delayed my stated, unmodified Post Bank account credited.
Since I succeeded because I unfortunately only for 6 month temporary job, my
balance full compensation, and I do not again re-occurring with significantly overdraft interest rates would be facing, I urge you to rectify the situation.
Then I got the following response ....
------- original message -------
From: Jana Fleischmann
Date: 27/08/2007 13:41:18
To: 'Rüdiger Steinbeck'
Subject: Re: Request for continuation of payment by May 24, 2007 - ALG II
Dear Mr. Steinbeck,
hereby I would like to again express indicates that responsible for the passive benefits are provided in the Social Services Walkenried is. Please immediately contact your service administrator for clarification of the current situation.
Jana Fleischmann
Jana Fleischmann
case manager
Job Center
district Osterode am Harz
plaster Mühlenweg 2-4
37520 Osterode am Harz
Tel (0 55 22) 31 42-52
Fax (0 55 22) 31 42-99 Email
: @ jana.fleischmann county osterode.de
From: Rüdiger Steinbeck
Date: 27/08/2007 18: 02:55
To: Jana Fleischmann
Subject: Subject: RE: Request on Continued payment by May 24, 2007 - ALG II
revered High Mrs. Fleischmann.
I go so right in assuming that you have as my competent case manager, my progress payment request is not processed appropriately, or about forwarded because her colleague in Walkenried Mrs. Decker is on Thursday 24.05. So the application position and date of sale, the only possible day in the week, a profession where it is possible people to deliver these to on a training course was ?
(Fort payment request issued on Thu to 5.24. 15.00 clock in the municipality Walkenried, and signed on May 29 and sent by registered mail to the Job Center Osterode, as the competent Clerk Mrs. Decker was on a training course).
Does this then also with regard to my post on 14.Aug.07 submitted proof of my fixed-term contract of 14 to Aug.07 ?
And just to the fees or change notices etc.?
Does that mean that I have to the place by about 3 months, registered again, you sent further request for payment, since they rely on oral statements by me, nothing is known, and Therefore, all my messages just summarily completely ignored and left unanswered ?
I correct, contract and respond in due time, as was required of me!
Decker If the woman is on a course, you are honorable Fleischmann my next contact in such matters!
As such, you have imagined opposite, and were also in other related matters, you always responsible for my interests, and not their Walkenrieder colleague Mrs. Decker!
According to employment
§ 37b SGB III - page 2, paragraph 2, § 8, is required for workers to report to job seekers after three months at the appropriate Job Center .
The first possible detection and the deadline was the end of that three-month period Thursday of the May 17, 2007th
A holiday where the municipality was closed. (Ascension)
The next possible was therefore the 24th May, on which was their Walkenrieder colleague on a course, so I logically to the appropriate for me Job Center Osterode turned, which you represent, and myself over the past Hartz IV years, even the smallest delays dramatic consequences were connected.
Especially when this is my person.
I ask for confirmation that it is this situation a misunderstanding on your part, and with respect to my application being immediately necessary for the purpose of all speedy processing is initiated, otherwise I am forced by this recent oppressive and arbitrariness and arrogance situation created to publish!
remain in anticipation of their speedy, satisfactory answer I
with a friendly greeting
Rüdiger Steinbeck
a personal response I got, unfortunately, still do not
but just one day later I told the municipality Walkenried
by telephone, the first one, a lump sum to
he did so on 03 Sept. 07
to my great joy. limp * laugh *
Nice that you have seen this error, but
therefore endanger equal to the municipal budget ...
by me has a tight annual salary,
yes that does not need, right?
Decently as I am now again, I raised my
course immediately to the municipal treasury.
I just want what I deserve by law!
Not a cent more.

And once again you share with me,
the evidence is lacking on the termination of my
homeowners insurance today.

They can just make what they want.
The fool is always the applicant
because a sloppy clerk working
not ready to admit a mistake.

Rüdiger Steinbeck
Otto Haberlandtstr.
Rüdiger Steinbeck / Landkreis Osterode
opinion on the request of the Lord of Geißlreiter
letter from the Social Court of H.
For information -
base for heat cost calculation - heating season
This bill relates only to the storage heater
in living room and bathroom.
It includes "NO" normal power! in living room and bathroom.
meter number: NT = night stream 65 964 - consumption in KW 7433 kwh
of Plus Base Price
Plus Base Price
Plus VAT
Since my living room (former drugstore box - Wieda) from "A " very big room is that originally consisted of three small rooms It is this space with ONLY A equipped Nachspeicheranlage. 8 KW.
This A takes 8 kw heater it in constant operation, and an outside temperature of about 5 degrees plus - in a room temperature of maximum
With freezing temperatures outside logically much underneath .
a result, I constructed
why I applied for repair, including cost estimates of Fa . Kargo filed, and it would have denied the necessary funds for the purpose of operation of this system is not hot air stove from the beginning .
The premises have now been evaluated by the BA, and furthermore, we confirmed the defect of the fireplace insert.
However, I was by court order (social Hildesheim Court - Judge Schwabe - Judgement
At the expense of my well-being and my health, and to the advantage of clearly inhumane ROTARIER scourge rider first County Council OHA, and Mrs. Judge Schwabe Sozialgericht Hildesheim etc., and the paranoid ideas of social justice.
Now I have all payments to the social support, the municipality Walkenried, such as water, Sanitation, and dog tax, etc. set, and this will only start again properly when I like every other member of this society, may again in my "heated" living room. can
News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef3fH9GHlqc&mode=related&search =
In this video you get an idea of the false testimony of the Lord Scourge rider, and a major TV station, which also successfully on the defamatory of victims of this inhuman Hartz IV legislation profiled.
Everything in this post ertunken and lies. Including the testimony of Mr. Geißlreiters! Anyone with common sense, and an IQ "to" room temperature, must not be proved.
If the district Osterode be successful again, and my action in this respect again, completely ignore, regardless of my situation one more time, I will clear as never before.
Also I will not blackmail me!
I have been working for some decades and I can, and I want to work, but this requires give me the opportunity. Sincerely
Rüdiger Steinbeck
systems: electric bill from
Arbeitszeugnis Aug.
contradiction December

The action has already been filed!
When justice becomes injustice
resistance is a duty! "